Total annihilation maps 64 meg
Total annihilation maps 64 meg

total annihilation maps 64 meg

total annihilation maps 64 meg total annihilation maps 64 meg

All in all, these are minor, and won't bother 99% of people.

#Total annihilation maps 64 meg Patch

There are a few minor annoyances which a patch should be able to fix (namely an inability to cue up commander upgrades, and the fact that you can't set patrol points from a new factory to match those of an existing one, resulting in a million different patrol routes by the end of the game). Resources aren't the PITA they were in Total Annihilation, as you can quickly build heavy mass or power generators that provide virtually infinite resources. There are enough different strategies here to keep you playing for a decade at least patches, easy-to-create mods, and expansions should add even more tactics. Shields are implemented better here then in any RTS previously, (they block shots that hit them, rather than giving a unit more hit points), making their use critical to success later in game. We've got features that should have been though up years ago (movable waypoints on patrol routes come to mind), and some seriously bad-ass units. Like Total Annihilation, this is all about macromanagement and strategy. Multilayer is where this title really shines. The story here is above average, and any sci-fi fan will enjoy it. The single-player is well presented, with a throwback to Starcraft (vanilla) in the mix of short pre-rendered cut-scenes, gameplay, and mission-briefings. It's amazingly fun, and the single player alone will have you hooked for a long time. It surpasses every bit of hype, and all of my expectations. Let me just say that this game is incredible.

Total annihilation maps 64 meg